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Is Your Health Tech Insurable? Insights & Options

Jan 29, 2024

In the ever-evolving healthcare landscape, technology plays a pivotal role in shaping our wellness and disease management approach. Health tech devices, from wearable fitness trackers to sophisticated patient monitoring systems, have become integral to our quest for a healthier life. However, the question of whether these innovative tools can be covered by insurance remains a topic of much discussion and analysis.

The Rising Tide of Health Tech Adoption

The adoption of health tech devices has recently seen a meteoric rise. With technological advancements, devices that once seemed futuristic are now commonplace, offering us insights into our health metrics like never before. From smartwatches that monitor heart rates to apps tracking nutritional intake, the scope of health tech is vast and varied.

Insurance Coverage: A Mixed Bag

Regarding insurance coverage for these devices, the landscape is nuanced. Insurance companies have traditionally been cautious in extending coverage to health tech devices. However, this stance is slowly changing as the benefits of such devices in promoting health and preventing disease become more evident.

Freestanding Devices

Insurance companies are more inclined to cover freestanding health tech devices, especially those physicians prescribe. These devices, often part of the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), include patient monitoring tools like blood pressure cuffs, sleep trackers, and smart insulin pens. The coverage typically includes a portion of the device’s cost and associated supplies.

Wearable Devices

Wearable devices like smartwatches and fitness trackers present a more complex case. While their health benefits are undeniable, insurance coverage for these devices is not as widespread. The perception of wearables as luxury or lifestyle products rather than essential medical tools contributes to this hesitancy. However, some insurance policies might cover wearables if prescribed for specific health conditions.

Smart Apps and Patches

The realm of smart health apps and patches is another area where insurance coverage expands, mainly due to COVID-19’s push towards telehealth services. Insurers increasingly cover apps facilitating virtual doctor consultations and mental health support. Similarly, patches for smoking cessation or pain management, especially those with FDA approval, are also finding their way into insurance policies.

Overcoming Barriers to Insurance Acceptance

Despite the growing acknowledgment of their benefits, several barriers hinder insurance providers’ widespread acceptance of health tech devices. These include regulatory hurdles, concerns about data accuracy, and the technological literacy required to use these devices effectively.

The Path Forward

The future of insurance coverage for health tech devices looks promising as the industry acknowledges the potential of these tools in enhancing patient care and reducing healthcare costs. Continued technological advancements, a more transparent regulatory framework, and evidence of clinical benefits will likely pave the way for broader insurance coverage.

Engaging with Your Insurance Provider

If you’re considering a health tech device, it’s crucial to consult with your insurance provider to understand the coverage options available. Policies vary widely, and staying informed can help you maximize your insurance’s benefits.


Integrating health tech devices into our healthcare regime offers a promising avenue for enhancing wellness and managing diseases. As insurance companies gradually embrace these technologies, consumers must stay informed and engaged with their providers to navigate the evolving landscape of health tech coverage.


  1. American Medical Association: Insurers want patients to use wearables
  2. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence: Behavior change: individual approaches
  3. Prophylactic implantable defibrillator patches in patients at high risk for malignant ventricular dysrhythmias
  4. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making: Adopting wearables to customize health insurance contributions: a ranking-type Delphi

Engaging with these devices responsibly and understanding the intricacies of insurance coverage can empower individuals to take an active role in their health management, ensuring a healthier future for all.

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